Preparing the Altar

Daisy & Sheep episode 11 🎉

Join Daisy & Sheep as they explore the preparations of the altar!

The Daisy and Sheep animations are designed to both help children explore the beauty of the Mass and discover fun facts about the Catholic Church.


Did you know that when the altar is prepared for Mass, it’s like setting a very special table for Jesus? The priest lays out the chalice, the bread, and the wine, just like we set the table for a meal. But this meal is super important because it’s where we celebrate the Eucharist, remembering Jesus’ love for us! It’s a holy feast, and we’re all invited!

Once you’ve watched it, share it!

Did you know every Daisy and Sheep animation comes with free activities for your kids? Let them dive deeper into each lesson and grow in their faith and love of God and neighbor.

We release episodes on the Mass on Saturdays and fun facts on Tuesdays.

Stay tuned for more episodes coming very soon.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

Did you know?

“Corporal” comes from the Latin “corpus” meaning body. It is upon the corporal we place the Body of Christ and it catches any particles that may fall. Traditionally, the corporal should be celebrated on a linen cloth, sprung from the earth, just as the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ was buried in linen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,



Have you seen our other animations?

We pray the Rosary every day at 6am PT / 8am CT on Instagram. Join us in prayer!