Our Lady of _____

Daisy & Sheep episode 6 🎉

Who is Our Lady of Guadalupe? Who is Our Lady of Fátima? Who is Our Lady of Lourdes?

They are all our Blessed Mother, the ever-Virgin Mary.

Did you know that many people do not know this?

We are creating animations to bring clarity to the basics of the faith.

The Daisy and Sheep animations are designed to both help children explore the beauty of the Mass and discover fun facts about the Catholic Church.


Mary has shown herself in different ways during her various apparitions around the world. Throughout history, she has appeared to people in special moments to share messages of love, faith, and hope. Each time Mary appears, it serves as a reminder from heaven that she is watching over us, just like a caring mother looks after her children.

This episode also includes fun printable activities; check it out.

You can watch the episode HERE or by clicking the button below.

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Did you know every Daisy and Sheep animation comes with free activities for your kids? Let them dive deeper into each lesson and grow in their faith and love of God and neighbor.

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We release episodes on the Mass on Saturdays and fun facts on Tuesdays.

Stay tuned for more episodes coming very soon.

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,



Have you seen our other animations?

We pray the Rosary every day at 6am PT / 8am CT on Instagram. Join us in prayer!