New Novena to Join

Let us pray

We will begin a new novena on May 4! For this novena, I would like to try something new. We will send out an email AND text with the prayers each day. If you would like to be included, click here:

Our Lady of Fatima is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary when she appeared six different times to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal.

What did the children see? On May 13, 1917, there came a flash of light, then, a lady dressed in all white holding a rosary.

What did she tell the children? Three things. That she is from heaven, to meet her at the same spot on the 13th for five months, and to pray the Rosary every day for world peace.

Over the next five months, the children received a number of messages from Our Lady.

Join us in the novena and learn more about Our Lady of Fatima and her messages to us.

Receiving prayers via text makes it very easy to remember to pray every day. Since you are part of our email list, you are the first to learn about this! We hope you enjoy it! May it all bring us closer to Christ through His Most Blessed Ever-Virgin Mother.

In Christ,


Have you seen our animations?

We pray the Rosary every day at 6am PT / 8am CT on Instagram, you are welcome to join us!