Animations Update! Exciting new animations coming up!

Want to help us continue making these animations free for everyone?

Act of Contrition Animation and Comic Book

We are still working to get this animation and comic book across the finish line for you!

Adding in animations is fun and engaging for kids for prayer time and works as a stepping stone to build them up with a strong habit of prayer and life in Christ. Our upcoming Act of Contrition prayer animation AND comic book will be a wonderful addition to your family prayer time!

The Act of Contrition comic book is designed to help kids both learn the words to and understand the Act of Contrition prayer. It will help kids understand a contrite heart, penance, why we confess our sins to a priest, and other elements of confession. This comic book is an enjoyable way for kids to learn about and understand the Holy Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Daisy and Sheep Animations

We are creating new animations for middle school aged kids to teach them fun facts about our Catholic faith AND to help them understand the Mass! We want kids at Mass to understand what they are hearing and what is going on throughout the Mass. So we are developing this animation to guide them and help them be engaged with the miracle that is the Mass. We also want little Catholics to know all the amazing things about the Catholic Church. Stay tuned!

Want to help bring these animations to life? The only way we are able to make our animations is with your support! Support us!

Wrapped in Mary’s Mantle Animations

We teamed up with The Little Rose Shop to create animations from their newest quiet book, Wrapped In Mary’s Mantle! This little book teaches how Mary is the Spiritual Mother to all of us. Each page invites babies, toddlers, and young children to see how Mary wraps us in her mantle of love and protection while learning about the different Marian Apparitions. We are working with some very talented folks to create little animations for Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Kibeho, Our Lady of Knock, and Our Lady of Fatima.

Please consider supporting our work! The only way we are able to make our animations is with your support! Support us!

In Christ,



Have you seen our animations?

We pray the Rosary every day at 6am PT / 8am CT on Instagram, you are welcome to join us!