Exciting Catholic Stories for Children News! βœ¨πŸ“š"

You may be wondering when the next animations are coming.

We are thrilled to share our latest progress with you!

We are excited to announce that the Daisy and Sheep animations are nearly complete! All scripts are completed, voice recording complete, animations near complete! We are adding the finishing touches!

As mentioned in our previous update, these animations aim to help children learn about the Mass and share fun facts about the Catholic Church!

In other exciting news, we are getting closer to the release of "The Act of Contrition" comic book. We finalized the last part of the book and are adding in the final illustrations.

We’re thrilled about both of these projects and know they will be a blessing to many children!

In order to keep producing future animations and making them freely available, we need your support.

Please keep us in your prayers as we create these animations for families around the world and continue working on the next ones! Prayerfully consider supporting us.

(We are a 501c3, so all donations can be tax-deductible!)

In Christ,



In case you missed it, The Little Rose Shop published our animations last week!

Have you seen our current animations?

We pray the Rosary every day at 6am PT / 8am CT on Instagram. Join us in prayer!