Celebrate Small Business Saturday with Us!

Supporting Small Catholic Businesses Makes a Big Impact

Small Business Saturday is the perfect time to reflect on the importance of supporting small Catholic businesses that help young Catholics grow in their faith.

Today, we want to share two businesses that are affiliates with us!

So when you buy from them, you can support our animations at the same time!

This year, we’re excited to highlight these two amazing Catholic businesses we love and are proud to partner with: All Saints Play and Catholic Sprouts.

Be sure to scroll to the end to find our discounts!

All Saints Play

All Saints Play creates fun and engaging resources for children including artwork, printable activities, preschool resources, and more, all designed to make learning about the faith fun and engaging for young children.

These resources are perfect for families, homeschoolers, and teachers who want to foster a love of the saints while making faith-filled learning interactive and joyful.

For All Saints Play, you can use our affiliate link here.

Catholic Sprouts

Catholic Sprouts provides faith-filled tools for Catholic parents striving to raise holy families.

From inspiring podcasts to vibrant prayer journals, family-focused activities, and catechetical resources, their mission is to make it easier for parents to integrate Catholic teaching into daily life.

Their resources empower families to grow together in faith and foster a deeper connection to God.

For the Catholic Sprouts resources, you can use the code "CSC" for 10% off on almost anything on their website!

Happy Small Business Saturday!

God bless you,
