3 Popular Catholic Children's Bibles in 2024 🙏

Why you should read the Bible everyday with your family

Dear Beloved Friend in Christ,

Recently, a friend asked me for a recommendation for a Children’s Bible.

There are a lot of options out there and it can be hard to choose. And hard to know which ones are right for which ages.

I wanted to share a few good Catholic Bibles you can use with your kids.

One of the most important and impactful things you can do is read the Bible everyday with your family.

Reading scripture helps Catholic kids stay connected to their faith and deepens their relationship with God.

Are you familiar with the Bible in a Year Podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz? The Bible is not chronological, so Fr. Mike uses a reading plan based on The Bible Timeline developed by Jeff Cavins. This little bible also follows and color-codes the stories to match the same Bible Timeline! The stories are for young children around 4-7 years old, so they are kept short and easy to understand for your little ones.

Saint Mary’s Press, the original creators of a complete Catholic Children’s Bible created this one with youth and mind while staying true to the Word. It includes a reading plan, stickers, beautiful artwork, all to help your kids stay engaged. If you want to help your kids around 6-10 years old to learn, love, and live the Word, this is the one.

Saint Mary’s Press also created a Bible for teens. It uses the NABRE translation, the official version for use in Mass approved by the USCCB. This Bible can help teens connect Scripture with their lives and help deepen their prayer lives and faith in God.

One of the most important things is family. Kids learn their faith from their parents. So read Scripture with them, talk with them, and grow together in faith as a family.

I would love to hear from you too. Do you use a Children’s Bible, or simply read from a regular Bible with your kids? Simply click on the poll below to respond.

What Bible do you use for kids?

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Do you use a different Bible with your children? Please email us back with your recommendation!

In Christ,



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