✝️ 10 Resources to Help Teach Your Children About Adoration

Adoration is a beautiful experience!

Spending time with Christ brings peace and clarity.

But, when kids come along, it may not always seem peaceful.

Bringing children to adoration can be challenging.

Don’t worry, though—it can be taught gradually and meaningfully.

There are many resources to help you!

Keep reading to discover 10 engaging resources to help teach your children about Adoration.

And always remember that the best way to teach children about Adoration is by spending time before the Lord together.

"Children, young people, and families should be invited to discover and experience the beauty and joy of adoration in their lives. Adoration is an encounter with Jesus Christ that deepens our love for Him and makes our hearts burn with the desire to serve Him in others."

Saint John Paul II


NOTE: For the Catholic Sprouts resources, you can use the code "catholicstoriesforchildren" for 10% off on almost anything on their website.

1) Catholic Sprouts Adoration Journal. 2nd grade and older. $16.

2) Catholic Sprouts Adoration Board Book. $15.

3) Catholic Sprouts Podcast Episodes on the Eucharist. Free.

4) Catholic Sprouts Podcast Episodes on Eucharistic Miracles. Free.

5) Ascension Press’ Jesus + Me book. $25.

Listening to podcasts about Adoration and the Eucharist along with an activity is a wonderful combination! Find some Adoration activities below for your children:

6) Catholic Icing Monstrance Craft with Coffee filter, markers, paper, glue. OR the a Monstrance Craft with yellow noodle, yellow pipe cleaner, paper, popsicle sticks, glue, glitter.

7) Katie Bogner's Adoration printable to bring with you. Free.

Plus, here are some videos you can also watch with your children about Adoration. Enjoy!

10) Video. Why go to adoration? Free.


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Do you have other suggested resources for helping teach children about Adoration? Reply and let us know! We love hearing from you!

In Christ,



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